Our mission is to educate about the harm piracy does to the creative industry. We work closely with copyright protection companies that are monitoring the internet for illegal distribution of copyrighted content. Once we observe illegal content distribution of our customers’ content, we reach out to the subscriber of the infringing internet account, offering legal alternatives to piracy.
You have received the notice because the aforementioned title has been pirated from your internet connection.
Online piracy is an immense problem for the content industry and all the people that work for it. This means authors, directors, composers, musicians, developers, artists in general, cameramen, set designers, sound designers, costume designers, graphic artists, photographers, and many other creative people.
All these people make their living directly or indirectly by monetizing their creativity. The content industry monetizes the things you like to enjoy for entertainment: movies, computer games, music and adult entertainment.
To ensure a high quality standard and employment in the industry, the intellectual property created has to be paid for. If everyone chooses to illegally download and distribute all that nice and beautiful and fun stuff for free, none of these people will get paid. They will not be able to make a living from their arts anymore. That is sad. That is not cool.
That’s why piracy is not cool.
And it’s unnecessary, too. There are so many legal ways to enjoy entertainment. Many of them for a very reasonable price, some of them even for free.
Here are some of the best options.